CampaignsGovernorWhite House

Fallin, Martinez Could Lead GOP Victory In 2016

Two women could lead the GOP to big victory in 2016


Special to the Star-Telegram

Roll call at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) this past weekend was the first audition for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.

Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum were all on hand talking passionately about their ideas, experience and why they should lead the charge to take the White House back in 2016.

The Reaganesque effort to expand the party base to include more gender and ethnic diversity is still in the hands of the guard that led our effort in 2012.

In that year’s presidential election, President Barack Obama received 70 percent of the Hispanic vote and 90 percent of the black vote; 55 percent of women voted to re-elect the president.

It does not bode well for the Republican Party if we continue to select the same types of candidates. To mount a winnable strategy, we must change our tactics and leadership.

The Republican governors from Oklahoma and New Mexico have compelling success stories that will resonate and transcend the partisan divide of the last four presidential election cycles.

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has an impressive fiscal record of cutting taxes, reducing unemployment and protecting the 2nd Amendment. She worked to balance the state budget in light of a $500 million deficit and lowered the income tax rate.

Proving her dedication to job creation and economic improvement, Fallin developed a statewide energy plan to promote development of Oklahoma’s abundant natural resources. This plan is the first of its kind in the state.

Fallin displayed great leadership by addressing rampant neglect at the state’s veterans’ centers, overhauling the War Veterans Commission and calling for increased oversight of the centers.

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