Fallin: Obama Has ‘No Regard’ For Health-Care Run By States
Fallin wants Insure Oklahoma reworked ahead of Affordable Care Act
By WAYNE GREENE World Senior Writer on May 18, 2013
OKLAHOMA CITY – Gov. Mary Fallin is calling on the Oklahoma Legislature to quickly rework the state’s Insure Oklahoma program so no one loses health-care coverage when the Affordable Care Act goes into full operation at year’s end.
If lawmakers can’t get legislation completed before a planned adjournment next week, Fallin reserves the right to call a special session, a spokesman said Friday.
“President Obama’s decision to discontinue the federal waiver authorizing Insure Oklahoma is a disaster, and it is indicative of an administration that has no regard for any health-care solutions that do not originate from Washington,” Fallin said in a prepared statement.
“Insure Oklahoma is currently delivering affordable health insurance options to 30,000 Oklahomans with a great deal of success. But rather than support this program, the president is dismantling it and pushing more and more people into the government health-care system outlined in Obamacare.”