
Fallin Rallying Troops Against Mandated Wage Increase

The Fallin For Governor campaign sent the following blast email a short time ago:

Dear Friend,
We need your help!  Democrats like Joe Dorman are taking their cues from President Obama and MSNBC and attacking Governor Fallin for her opposition to a government mandated wage increase.

First they criticized Governor Fallin for rejecting the Medicaid expansion and massive new entitlements in ObamaCare. Now Joe Dorman, Obama’s Chief Oklahoma Surrogate, is parroting Washington Democrats and advocating for a 39% increase in the minimum wage – from $7.25 to $10.10.

Here are the facts: mandating a wage increase will destroy jobs. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says it will lead to the elimination of approximately 500,000 jobs across the county.

It will increase costs for consumers on everyday items like food and groceries, which hurts poor Oklahomans the most. It will also increase costs for state and municipal governments, meaning either tax increases or cuts to government services.

And it will strain the budgets of small businesses, forcing them to fire employees or even leave the state.

While Joe Dorman is marching in lockstep with President Obama and Washington Democrats like Harry Reid, Governor Fallin is working hard to grow Oklahoma’s economy and attract and retain high paying jobs to the state. Her record speaks for herself. Since Governor Fallin was elected, Oklahoma’s unemployment rate has plummeted from 7.0 percent to just 5.0 percent. Per capita income growth ranks third in the nation since 2011. And the state’s Rainy Day Fund has gone from $2.03 to over $530 million.

Governor Fallin has a proven record of success, and Oklahoma families and businesses are better off because of her commonsense policies. We need your help to get that message out and combat the liberal attack machine lead by President Obama and his number one Oklahoma spokesman, Joe Dorman.

Oklahoma needs to have a governor like Mary Fallin who will continue to put Oklahoma first and defend us against Washington overreach and attacks by defenders of President Obama. If you agree, there are three ways you can help today:

Thank you for your help and continued support!

Mary Fallin for Governor Campaign

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