OK House

Forrest Claunch Remembered For His Faith And Service

OKGOP Remembers Forrest Claunch
Former State Rep, Faithful Public Servant
For Immediate Release: November 19, 2013

(Oklahoma City)—The Oklahoma Republican Party honored the life of service of longtime Republican activist, faithful servant and civil leader Forrest Claunch, recently passed.

OKGOP Chairman Dave Weston commented, “Today we mourn the loss of one of our great public servants, Forrest Claunch. He was a decades-long leader in the Baptist community, in public life and in politics. He never wavered from his principles.”

In addition to serving in the Oklahoma House from 1995-2005 (including chairing the House Republican Caucus for six years), Claunch served as Executive Director for OCPA in its early years, as Gov. Frank Keating’s appointee to the Base Closure Prevention Task Force and Statewide Task Force on Tax Reform, and as a trustee for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Weston continued, “We will surely miss Forrest’s dedication to public service, and his shoes will be difficult to fill. Nevertheless, he leaves behind him a standard to which we all can aspire in Oklahoma.”

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