
Grassroots Leaders Backing Hiett

Grassroots Leaders for Todd Hiett


Due to the recent personal attacks from the Cliff Branan campaign, grassroots leaders from across the state wanted to make their voices heard by sending a statement of strong support for Todd Hiett in his bid for Corporation Commissioner.

Below you will find leaders from every corner of the state who support Todd because of his commitment to strongly defend Oklahoma against Barack Obama, the EPA and any other government entity seeking to dictate policy to Oklahomans which will raise our utility rates.

“As grassroots leaders in Oklahoma we have been closely watching the Corporation Commission race due to its direct impact on consumers. There is one clear choice in this race, and that is Todd Hiett. Cliff Branan has refused time and time again to debate with Todd Hiett on the issues – how can we support a candidate that won’t even show up? Todd has taken a strong stand to protect rates on consumers and we have not heard that same commitment from Branan – or really, we have not heard anything from him at all?

We support Todd Hiett because he is not trying to win this race by having fancy dinners with donors in big cities, but he is traveling and meeting with grassroots groups all over the state. This election is too important to elect someone who will melt in the heat of pressure from Barack Obama and his EPA cronies. We know Todd Hiett will stand strong against the federal government and raising rates.”


Ronda Vuillemont-Smith
Tulsa 9.12 Project

Cyndi McArtor
Get America Back

Sandra Crosnoe
R3publicans / OKGrassroots

Marlene Lynch
Logan County GOP

Matthew Vermillion
OK for TEA

Elaine Leone
Tulsa 9.12 Project

Elaine Nickelson
Delaware County GOP

John Greening
Sooner Republican Assembly

Joy Collins
Bartians for Academic Freedom

Steve Dickson
Activist, 2012 GOP National Delegate

Dr. Shannon Grimes
Cherokee County GOP

Lonnie Lu Anderson

LaShelle Griffith
Washington County GrassRoots Prayer Team, Precinct 48 Chair

Lynn Habluetzel, Jennie White, Julia Seay
ROPE (Restore Oklahoma Public Education)

Howard Houchen
Choctaw County GOP Executive Member, Pct 214 Chair, National Delegate RNC 2012


The Republican Primary on June 24th will decide the next Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner as Democrats did not field a candidate.

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