
Hofmeister: Let’s Replace End of Instruction Tests With ACT

Joy Hofmeister: Let’s replace End of Instruction tests with ACT

When parents, school leaders and educators across the state gather at the State Capitol on Monday to rally for education, the teacher shortage and over-testing are certain to be front and center topics.

While I share these frustrations, I also believe a brighter future is ahead. I commend Gov. Mary Fallin and state legislators for advances they have made in recent years on behalf of Oklahoma schools, and now it’s time to take that additional step.

Since taking office in January, as state superintendent of public instruction, I have been determined to eliminate over-testing. A tremendous step toward that goal can be achieved with legislation that replaces seven end-of-instruction exams — EOIs — with a test that matters for Oklahoma students beyond satisfying a state or federal mandate. Senate Bill 707 by Senate Education Committee chairman John Ford is a common-sense remedy.

Under the Achieving Classroom Excellence law, students must take seven EOI exams as part of high school graduation requirements. SB 707 could potentially reduce that number to one suite of assessments.

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