BudgetEconomyGovernorOK House

Income Tax Cut Bill Could Be Headed Straight To Court

Log-rolling rule may send Oklahoma tax cut to court

By BARBARA HOBEROCK World Capitol Bureau on Apr 28, 2013

OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma lawmaker is predicting that a proposed tax cut would likely suffer the fate of several other recent measures that were declared unconstitutional for addressing more than one subject.

House Bill 2032 passed the Senate last week and returns to the House for consideration.

The measure would reduce the state’s top tax rate a quarter of a percentage point to 5 percent in 2015 with prospects for an additional cut to 4.85 percent in 2016, if there is sufficient growth revenue to pay for it.

But the measure also creates a $120 million fund to be used to repair the state Capitol, which is plagued by plumbing, structural and electrical problems.

Read the complete story at tulsaworld.com

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