Jolley, Nelson: Education Savings Accounts Put Parents In Charge
Movable money: Plan would let students take education funding from schools, leave some behind
By: Dale Denwalt, The Journal Record
OKLAHOMA CITY – Per-pupil spending at public schools would rise if parents were allowed to move their students to private schools using education savings accounts, lawmakers said Thursday.
State Rep. Jason Nelson, R-Oklahoma City, said a pair of bills he co-authored would leave a percentage of state aid money in the school after a student transfers. The rest of the cash would follow the student and could also be used for tutoring and other educational expenses, such as books.
“People don’t want to admit it, but it’s a simple math problem,” Nelson said.
If Nelson’s House Bill 2949 passes, students who qualify for free or reduced lunches would be able to take 90 percent of their per-pupil expenditure out of the school, leaving 10 percent behind.