Jordan Expecting More Education Funding
Lawmaker expects education to see more funding
BY RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer
Friday, March 15, 2013
A high-ranking House Republican said Friday that common education may wind up with an additional $75 million to $100 million for the coming budget year.
“I think we’re finally going to get to a point where we’re funding (education) appropriately,” said House Majority Fred Jordan, R-Jenks, during a Tulsa Regional Chamber breakfast. “The House, the Senate and the governor, I believe, are all committed to at least $75 million to $100 million in increases to education funding this year.”
State support of common education has essentially declined in recent years, particularly on a per-pupil basis. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Janet Barresi asked for a $300 million increase for the coming budget year, while Gov. Mary Fallin’s budget proposal included only $22 million, all of it committed to teacher benefits and implementing performance assessment reforms.