
Lakin Releases Statement on Brady Street Controversy

Via NewsOn6.com, Tulsa City Councilor Phil Lakin released the following statement on the upcoming vote on renaming Brady Street in downtown Tulsa: 

“What a difference a few years make.

Citizens, in all districts and on both sides of this issue, should take a moment to reflect on the professionalism of this current City Council. After many years of animosity, the collaborative nature of this seated City Council is one I do not take for granted. Collectively, we are able to listen and work toward our common goals on many complex items, including the streets package under public consideration for vote in November. Together, our interests remain centered on doing what is right for Tulsa and for Tulsans.

The issue before the City Council is one that requires and deserves careful consideration.

For several weeks, I have studied countless emails from both District 8 constituents and Tulsa citizens, I have accepted dozens of phone calls and messages, and I have watched the debate from last week’s Council meeting. With these resources, I have worked very hard to understand both viewpoints.

However, after reading, listening and watching, my opinion is this issue has become unnecessarily divisive in our community. And that’s a very serious concern to me.

The Tulsa that I know is united and progressive, and I’ll do all what I can to redirect our attention toward productive activities and topics that provide for positive, real returns to our citizens and our economy.

Therefore, I resolved to think through this controversy thoughtfully and have done so, working with fellow Councilors Ewing, Bynum and Henderson, all of whom brought new, positive ideas to the table. There is one way to disagree and lots of ways to agree, and we chose to focus on the latter.

Together, we are reorienting ourselves – and our votes – toward a constructive solution rather than simply engaging in an up or down vote on changing the name of Brady to Burlington.

We can’t escape Tulsa’s past nor do we want to conceal it from future generations, but we must focus our efforts on visionary efforts that provide real benefits to our citizens. We have our kids to educate, parks to build, and an economy to develop, all of which will bring our people up, not push them down.

While discussions are still ongoing to resolve the specific question, I’m positive this City Council will vote in favor of a solution that advances our community, our history, and our relations with one another. We are a community like none other, and I’m proud to show the world what we, as Tulsans, can do when we work together.”

Read the complete story on NewsOn6.com

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