Lankford Releases Impressive Endorsements List
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, June 19, 2014
James Lankford’s Campaign Is Built on Oklahoman Support
OKLAHOMA CITY- As the republican primary draws near, Oklahomans from all walks of life continue to rally around James Lankford. Lankford’s campaign shows solid grassroots support with recent financial reports revealing 84% of all contributions to Lankford are coming from within the state and now over 400 Oklahomans are publically endorsing Lankford.
Lankford has received support from Oklahomans at all levels. Over half, 54%, of all the contributions to his Senate campaign have been $100 or less.
“The opinions and beliefs of Oklahomans is what matters most in this race and I am honored that so many people in our state have seen my work and trust me to represent their values,” Lankford said.
The following are statements from just a few of those everyday Oklahomans:
“I am voting for James Lankford because I believe in what he stands for and because he is someone that I wholeheartedly trust!”
-Ryan Young, Elk City
“James is a man of Great character and his stance on limiting the size of government and stopping wasteful spending will carry on the work of Senator Coburn.”
-Martin Updike, Muskogee
”I am glad to see someone who chooses God in his decisions that will help shape the future of America.”
-Leslie Childers, Claremore
“I have known James Lankford for ten years and he is a man of extreme integrity, whose words and actions are the same in Oklahoma and Washington D.C.”
-Chris Wade, McAlester
The following names are the over 400 Oklahomans who approached the James Lankford campaign and said they would like to publically endorse Lankford:
- Paul Abner, Oklahoma City
- Martin Adams, Buffalo
- Stephanie Adkinson, Purcell
- Ruby Allen, Midwest City
- Christina Alters, Oklahoma City
- Gary Amstutz, Tulsa
- Charles Anderson, Oklahoma City
- Renada, Anderson, Owasso
- Patricia Andrewd, Washington
- Roger (Andy) Andrews, Prague
- Patricia Angel, Chickasha
- Suzanne Antinoro, Yukon
- Josh Arnett
- Christopher Ball, Apo
- Robert Bane, McAlester
- Sandy Bane, McAlester
- Jeannette Bargee, San Angelo
- Billy Barnes, Morrison
- David Barnett, Okarche
- Delinda Barnett, Okarche
- Gregory Barnett, Edmond
- Naomi Barnett, Oklahoma City
- Brandon Baumguarden, Stilwater
- Karen Beall, Midwest City
- Wanda Beaman, Yukon
- Joetta Beauchene, Edmond
- Calvin Becker, Sand Springs
- Garry Bentley, Sand Springs
- Susan Bergen, Norman
- Richard Betts, Atoka
- Phyllis Bishop, Oklahoma City
- Troy Blankenship, Shawnee
- Brittoni Bobek, Oklahoma City
- Bruce Bockus, Oklahoma City
- Larry Boggs, Wilburton
- Rockford Bolin, Guthrie
- Billie Bonner, Shawnee
- Gale Bower, Oklahoma City
- Jim Bowers, Oklahoma City
- Sue Bowie, Edmond
- Dora Boyd, Oklahoma City
- Tanner Boyd
- Lyndon Boyer, Ponca City
- Barth Bracken, Oklahoma City
- John Bradsher, Broken Arrow
- Lloyde Brannam, Adair
- Coats Briscoe, Kingfisher
- Jack Brock, Broken Bow
- Gregg Brooks, Hydro
- John Broom, Oklahoma City
- Chrissy Brown, Edmond
- Greg Brown, Kingston
- Jerry Brown, Edmond
- Jimmy Brown, Altus
- Ronald Brown, Nichols Hills
- Theodore Brown, Edmond
- Barry Bryant, Oklahoma City
- John Bryant, Cushing
- Homer Buck, Edmond
- Christiana Burgess, Edmond
- Clyde Cain, Edmond
- Tena Campbell, Piedmont
- Jarvis Cannon, Cushing
- Holly Cantrell, Earlsboro
- Reagan Carrera, Shawnee
- Patrick Cashman, Oklahoma City
- Andrew Cates, Oklahoma City
- Catherine Caton, Stratford
- George Chapman, Edmond
- Geraldine Chappelle, Antlers
- Brandon Chenoweth, Moore
- Leslie Childers, Claremore
- Chris Christenberry, Norman
- Bobby Christensen, Midwest City
- Anne Cloer, Oklahoma City
- Mary Collins, Oklahoma City
- Russell Cook, Shawnee
- Marsha Cook, Shawnee
- Ryan Copenhaver, Moore
- Roger Cordray, Oklahoma City
- Karen Cowan, Oklahoma City
- Donna Cox, Oklahoma City
- Jimmy Crabb, Jones
- Gabriel Crawford, Oklahoma City
- Walter Crews, Blanchard
- Leslie Crissup, Yukon
- William Croak, Oklahoma City
- Evelyn Crowder, Oklahoma City
- James Crowder, Oklahoma City
- James Cruson, Kingston
- Sean Cummings, Oklahoma City
- Ronnie Cupp, Oklahoma City
- Lanny Daugherty, Bethany
- Alma Davis, Oklahoma City
- Angela Davis, Glenpool
- Cheryl Davis, Norman
- Helen Day, Bethany
- Sheila Delorge, Inman
- Anne Denney, Weatherford
- Kayron Devereaux, Shawnee
- Gordon Deweese, Yukon
- David Downing, Tulsa
- Rev Lydia D’Ross, Tulsa
- Laura Drumb, Glenpool
- George Duemeland, Bismarck
- Orin Elliott, Edmond
- Timmy Elliott, Chickasha
- Troy Elliott, Oklahoma City
- Linda Ellis, Edmond
- Robert Ellis, Nichols Hills
- Doug Emde, Stillwater
- Scott Eppler, Broken Arrow
- Richard Estorga, Newalla
- Tom Evans, Enid
- C. Everest, Oklahoma City
- Andrew Ewing, Muskogee
- Timothy Fagan, Enid
- Clay Farha, Nichols Hills
- David Fierro, Claremore
- Stephen Fischer, Edmond
- Wayne Fite, Ardmore
- Cindy Ford, Colbert
- Robert Ford, Mounds
- Kathy Fowler, Enid
- Amanda Foyil, Owasso
- James Frazier, Spencer
- Deanna Fridrich, Prague
- Robert Frost, Jones
- Cyndi Frunk, Garvin
- Justin Fuller, Edmond
- Nick Gales, Oklahoma City
- Anthony Gamblin, Tecumseh
- Charles Gann, Oklahoma City
- Stephanie Garner, Choctaw
- Martha Garriott, Norman
- Becca Geiger-McLemore, Muskogee
- Mary Gelnar, Edmond
- Ralph Gibbons, Oklahoma City
- Mayo Gilson, Oklahoma City
- Christopher Girouard, Tulsa
- Pat Goad, Cushing
- Dean Goll, Alva
- Marilyn Goll, Noble
- F. Good, Enid
- Timothy Green, Seminole
- James Greiner, Oklahoma City
- Anthony Guadagno, Oklahoma City
- Douglas Hale, Weatherford
- Joyce Haley, Oklahoma City
- Christie Hall, Oklahoma City
- Joseph Hall, Bethany
- Arlen Halvorson, Edmond
- Clifford Hammond, Shawnee
- Nichole Hammonds, Ada
- James Hampton, Chattanooga
- George Hand, Prague
- Jacob Hankins, Comanche
- Krista Hardy, Chickasha
- Norma Harris, Oklahoma City
- Steven Harrison, Mc Alester
- Jeffrey Hart, Oklahoma City
- Barbara Hataway, Edmond
- Doug Haymaker, Edmond
- Brent Hazelrigg, Washington
- Carol Hefner, Edmond
- Evelyn Helm, Bartlesville
- Martin Hepp, Edmond
- Estela Hernandez, Oklahoma City
- Elizabeth Herren, Bethany
- Maxine Hessel, Oklahoma City
- Larnce Hicks, Oklahoma City
- Arnold Hill, Shawnee
- Gilford Hill, Stroud
- Lauren Hill, Edmond
- Landon Hise, Hobart
- Fred Holloway, Edmond
- James Holman, Oklahoma City
- Wynn Hook, Edmond
- Kelly Hoppis, Mustang
- Bill Horne, Ada
- Leon Howard, Yale
- Robert Howard, Headrick
- Doris Hubbard, Kingfisher
- Donna Hughes, Ardmore
- Carl Hutto, Weatherford
- Woodrow Hutto, Tulsa
- Buck Irwin, Oklahoma City
- Holly Isch, Edmond
- Greg Isch, Edmond
- Bobby Jackson, Bethany
- Ernest James, Altus
- Patricia Johnson, Oklahoma City
- Sherri Johnson, Oklahoma
- Krista Jones, Jones
- John Paul Jordan, Yukon
- Debra Jourden, Oklahoma City
- Peggy Kahre, Oklahoma City
- Robert Kane, Bartlesville
- James Keating, Oklahoma City
- David Kem, Edmond
- Randall Kemp, Seminole
- Richard Kerr, Morris
- Earl Key, Sand Springs
- Gina Kincheloe, Durant
- Jimmy Kinder, Walters
- Jerry King, Edmond
- Mike King, Seiling
- Kenan Kirkendall, Woodward
- Sharon Kirkpatrick, Jones
- Bethel Kline, Yukon
- Julia Kwok, Tulsa
- Nolan Lambert, Broken Arrow
- Cindy Lankford, Edmond
- Jared Lee, Chickasha
- Michael Lepak, Oklahoma City
- Maria Lipscomb, Temple
- David Little, Ardmore
- Cassandra Liver, Oklahoma City
- David Loftin, Tulsa
- Victoria Lohr, Selinsgrove
- Joshua Long, Noble
- Stephen Lopp, Jones
- Marie Love, Tecumseh
- Kenneth Lunsford, Midwest City
- Aaron Magness, Norman
- Duane Maness, Midwest City
- Karlita Manger, Oklahoma City
- Robert Mantle, Midwest City
- John Mantooth, Purcell
- Marjory Marsh, Shawnee
- David Martin, Del City
- Dusty Martin, Edmond
- Carolyn Martin, Edmond
- Sarah Martin, Tulsa
- Bob Mason, Yukon
- Lesli Massad, Oklahoma City
- Kenneth Massey, Shawnee
- John May, Yukon
- William McAlister, Edmond
- Brenda McDonald, Moore
- Chad McDougall, Oklahoma City
- Melita McGee, Midwest City
- Jon McGrath, Tulsa
- Anna McMillin, Nichols Hills
- Zak McWilliams, Oklahoma City
- Danny Meadors, Edmond
- Ken Meadows, Midwest City
- Gregory Mellies, Oklahoma City
- Wylie Merritt, Norman
- Vicki Middleton, Fletcher
- Dawn Miears, Lawton
- Jason Miears, Lawton
- Cole Miele, Henderson
- Jack Milavic, Edmond
- Christy Miller, Edmond
- Robert Miller, Bethany
- Terri Miller, Bethany
- Bob Miller, Bethany
- David Millican, Edmond
- Leroy Milton, Owasso
- Nicole Mitchell, Choctaw
- Chris Moffeit, Morris
- Dale Moody, Oklahoma City
- Connie Morgan, Oklahoma City
- James Morrison, Weatherford
- Lori Mouse, Sand Springs
- Lucy Muller, McAlester
- Matt Muller, Altus
- Betty Murrah, Ardmore
- Ashley Murray, Oklahoma City
- Judie Nance, Anadarko
- Thomas Nason, Norman
- Marilyn Naukam, Oklahoma City
- Scott Neighbors, Skiatook
- Jannies Nguyen, Oklahoma City
- Gary Nickerson, Shawnee
- Stefanie Nutter, Edmond
- Glenna Oakley, Oklahoma City
- John O’Connor, Tulsa
- Kevin O’shields, Oklahoma City
- Candace Ousley, Oklahoma City
- Lisa Owens, Edmond
- Vaughn Pamplin, Oklahoma City
- Stephanie Papp, Oklahoma City
- Justin Pappan, Edmond
- Alicia Parrish, Lawton
- Kevin Paslay, Skiatook
- Rory Penstemon, Gillett
- Sarah Peter, Tulsa
- Cynthia Pettyjohn, Muskogee
- Barry Pollard, Enid
- Edward Poole, Nichols Hills
- Judith Powell, Oklahoma City
- Nancy Prykryl, Oklahoma City
- Robert Purvis, Edmond
- Daniel Rader, Oklahoma City
- Robyn Ramer, Edmond
- Leonard Ramirez, Edmond
- Mike Rawlings, Oklahoma City
- Stella Rawlings, Oklahoma City
- James Redeker, Sulphur
- Valerie Rhodes, Oklahoma City
- Kerry Rice, Oklahoma City
- Naomi Rising, Cashion
- Danny Robbins, Altus
- Bev Robertson, Oklahoma City
- Brandi Robertson, Seminole
- Wesley Robertson, Ada
- Gregory Robins, Edmond
- William Robinson, Oklahoma City
- Teresa Rodgers, Oklahoma City
- Kevin Rogers, Tuttle
- Harland Rolfs, Bartlesville
- Mitchell Rolph, Norman
- W.A. Ross, Oklahoma City
- Ginger Rowbotham, Edmond
- Dustin Rowe, Tishomingo
- Shirley Rowe, Springer
- Ted Roy, Oklahoma City
- Patrick Ruby, Oklahoma City
- Jeffrey Sadler, Lawton
- Nathan Samis, Millcreek
- Alison Schindler, Chickasha
- Fred Schonwald, Oklahoma City
- James Schrack, Oklahoma City
- John Schulze, Stillwater
- James Seals, Harrah
- David Sears, Edmond
- Robert Seikel, Shawnee
- Gregory Sellmyer, Oklahoma City
- Donald Shandy, Norman
- Kenneth Sherrill, Mcalester
- Kurt Shipley, Edmond
- Keri Shipley, Edmond
- Janet Shockley, Edmond
- Stan Sieg, Edmond
- Elizabeth Sieg, Edmond
- Theresa Simon, Norman
- Brandon Skaggs, Shawnee
- Joanna Skelly, Edmond
- Stephen Slawson, Nichols Hills
- Michael Sloan, Elk City
- Donna Smith, Oklahoma City
- Elizabeth Smith, Alva
- Gertrude Smith, Sand Springs
- K.E. Smith, Oklahoma City
- Kelly Smith, Oklahoma City
- Dixie Snow, Hinton
- William Speller, Oklahoma City
- Barbara St Laurent, Moore
- Contact: Sarah Martin
- 405-509-1182
- -30-
- Terry Staires, Skiatook
- Gary Stanislawski, Tulsa
- Talon Starkey, Ada
- Jon Starr, Tulsa
- Merry Stone, Duncan
- George Stringer, Newalla
- Sherri Sturgill, Harrah
- Julie Sublett, Tulsa
- Kirk Suiter, Piedmont
- Mona Taylor, Oklahoma City
- Mike Telford, Chandler
- Pam Telford, Chandler
- Madison Thames, Weatherford
- Lynsey Thomas, Bethany
- Robert Thomas, Tulsa
- Don Thomason, Ardmore
- Lee Thompson, Enid
- Ruth Thompson, Oklahoma City
- Brian Tillery, Okemah
- Victor Tolman, Shawnee
- Brenda Trout, Edmond
- Monte Tucker, Sweetwater
- Tod Tucker, Oklahoma City
- Nonna Turnbull, Wellston
- Linda Tutwiler, Alva
- Martin Updike, Muskogee
- Anthony Valentino, Manitou
- Marvin VanBebber, Nichols Hills
- Christopher Verser, Chickasha
- Edward Vezey, Moore
- Chris Wade, McAlester
- Charles Waldrop, Oklahoma City
- Jim Walker, Oklahoma City
- Judy Walker, Oklahoma City
- Cindy Wallace, Oklahoma City
- Doyle Wasson, Shawnee
- Robert Watkins, Oklahoma City
- Janice Watson, Oklahoma City
- Bill Webb, Bartlesville
- Angela White, Fairland
- Cody White, Ninnekah
- Mary White, Mcloud
- Robert White, Stillwater
- Darrel Wilkerson, Yukon
- Thomas Wilkerson, Edmond
- Calvin Williams, Lawton
- Steve Williams, Enid
- Dana Williamson, Oklahoma City
- Jimmy Williamson, Oklahoma City
- Anne Wilson, Nichols Hills
- Heather Wood, Jones
- Catherine Wootten, Chickasha
- Polly Worrell, Enid
- Rob Wright, Owasso
- Pamela Yandell, Oklahoma City
- Mike Yates, Tulsa
- Tracy Yates, Edmond
- Sue Yocum, Edmond
- Lee Young, Oklahoma City
- Ryan Young, Elk City
- Robert Yount, Oklahoma City