Mary’s In! Begins Campaign With Tulsa Kick-Off
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin kicks off re-election campaign
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer 6 hours ago
Gov. Mary Fallin formally announced her intention to run for re-election during a one-day cross-state tour that began Thursday morning in a Tulsa bagel shop.
“When we see things like we’ve been seeing out of Washington, D.C., that means we’re not finished yet with our job,” she said at an 8 a.m. news conference at Old School Bagel Cafe in Brookside. “We still have more that we have to do.”
In addition to supporters that included several legislators, Mayor Dewey Bartlett and former U.S. Rep. John Sullivan, Fallin was greeted by about 20 people protesting the education initiative known as Common Core.
A smaller number directed complaints at Fallin over her handling of the Baby Veronica case, a lengthy adoption battle between the adoptive parents and biological father of a child born in Oklahoma.
I hope she is challenged in a primary from someone on the right. She seems leaning progressive to me. A primary challenge would make her remember who brought her to the dance.