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New Ad: Coburn Decides To Double Down On Brecheen Endorsement

October 9, 2014


    U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, in a television spot, is encouraging voters of Senate District 6 to stand with Josh Brecheen in his bold stance against special interests.

“Josh is one of the finest young men I have ever known,” says Dr. Coburn.  “Josh has authored laws that have saved you millions of dollars and returned power and decision making back to Southeastern Oklahoma, because he can not be bought or pressured to weaken his principles.”

Senator Brecheen says he is honored by Dr. Coburn’s words and he will never stop doing what is best for the people who elected him.

“I have been fortunate to work jointly on great advances for our state, including co-authoring workers comp reform, helping tort reform clear committee, and championing the ability of our state to implement excellent state-led education standards.  I have authored 30 bills into law, stopping waste, and producing expected taxpayer savings of $100 million in the next decade ($14 million this year alone).  I stood firmly against issues that would not serve my district or compromise my conservative principles. I will remain a strong voice for my rural district.  And I look forward to working alongside all who put good policy above politics.”

Dr. Coburn has issued a call to action for all voters to join him in support of Josh Brecheen on November 4th.

“We need to stand with Josh Brecheen and tell him that the courage he exemplified, when he put our district’s future ahead of his own political future, was not in vain.”

One thought on “New Ad: Coburn Decides To Double Down On Brecheen Endorsement

  • Tell your mom to say HI to Baressi for me.


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