OHP Estimating 30,000 To Rally At Capitol Next Monday
Thirteen area school districts to close for rally at Capitol
By KIM ARCHER and ANDREA EGER World Staff Writers
Personnel from nearly every Tulsa area school district is taking Monday off school to rally at the state Capitol for adequate funding of Oklahoma public schools.
Only Bartlesville, Coweta, Owasso and Skiatook schools will be in class, but each district endorses the rally and will allow teachers to take personal days to participate.
Around 30,000 teachers, parents and administrators from across the state are expected to participate in the rally, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol estimates. The rally was planned to get the attention of state legislators about unfunded mandates, cuts to tax revenue for public schools and stagnant teacher pay, said Michelle Jones, Union PTA chairwoman for legislative advocacy.
None of the districts are using taxpayer money to participate in the event and all have plans in place to make up state-mandated instruction time.