
OK Farm Bureau Kicks Off “Yes for SQ 777” Campaign

Fundraising for State Question 777 Yes Vote Kicked Off This Past Week in Yukon
by Ron Hays, Director of Farm Programming Radio Oklahoma Network

An early fundraiser to start raising money for the “Yes for State Question 777” campaign was held this past week at the Yukon home of Bob Funk, sponsored by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Several dozen representatives of the major farm organizations in Oklahoma, state lawmakers, agribusiness leaders and more were a part of the gathering, who heard from Forrest Lucas, the founder of Lucas Oil and Protect the Harvest, who called the battle to pass State Question 777 vitally important to not just Oklahoma, but to agricultural interests across the United States.

Lucas called Oklahoma agricultural leadership and the state lawmakers who worked to approve HJR 1012 in the Oklahoma State House and Senate this year very courageous for being willing to stand up to anti production agricultural interests that have lots of resources that have allowed them to get their way in several states around the country.

Tom Buchanan, President of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, told Farm Director Ron Hays after the short program at the fundraiser that he is excited to get the ball rolling in communicating the need for this addition to the Oklahoma State Constitution. If approved by a vote of the people in November 2016, State Question 777 will amend the state constitution and declare that the right to farm and ranch in this state will be protected. The specific language of the state question has yet to be developed- and will be written by State Attorney General Scott Pruitt.

Read the complete story onĀ www.oklahomafarmreport.com

One thought on “OK Farm Bureau Kicks Off “Yes for SQ 777” Campaign

  • sq 777 is good for everyone in Oklahoma .Our farmers and ranchers need our vote


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