OKGOP: Special Session on Lawsuit Reform Addresses Old Problem
For Immediate Release: August 15, 2013
Contact: Dave Weston, Chairman OKGOP
Special Session on Lawsuit Reform Addresses Old Problem
OKGOP Cites 25-year-old Republican Platform
(Oklahoma City) — Gov. Mary Fallin officially issued an executive order this week calling for a Special Session of the state legislature to begin on Sept. 3rd.
The session’s limits are set specifically to address the lawsuit reform bill HB 1603 which was struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court this summer citing the single-subject rule in the state constitution.
Governor Fallin explained, “Oklahoma’s lawsuit reform measures are part of what makes this state attractive to businesses and allows us to retain and recruit doctors. Those laws are now under attack. In the weeks since the court ruled our laws unconstitutional, at least a dozen lawsuits have been reopened against hospitals, doctors and other employers. As lawmakers, we need to act now to protect our businesses and our medical community from frivolous lawsuits and skyrocketing legal costs.”
Some detractors have argued publicly and privately, however, that the special session is unneeded and that lawsuit reform is not a priority.
Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Dave Weston responded, “Frivolous lawsuits are already threatening to run rampant in our state again, so we must face the problem and fix the system–sooner rather than later. If not corrected, the negative climate impacts everyone in Oklahoma. That this is a serious priority is obvious. What’s more, I think this is a great example of our representative form of government working like it should.”
It is expected that the legislature has enough votes to make needed changes in the legislation to pass versions that will pass muster in the Oklahoma Supreme Court.
Chairman Weston continued, “Republicans have advocated for lawsuit reform since trial attorneys have been able to advertise on television and on the backs of phone books. In fact, the position was included in Republican Party platforms as far back as 1988 under President Reagan. So, what we’re doing here is keeping good on our rhetoric and following through for the voters.”