
Owasso Anti-Common Core Rally Draws Crowd

Community members rally in Owasso against Common Core

By RHETT MORGAN World Staff Writer

OWASSO — Parents and educators rallied against Common Core standards Thursday night at Friendship Baptist Church.

Speakers who included Kristal Picolet, the leader of Owasso Against Common Core, addressed a crowd of about 50 people for about two hours, detailing the group’s reasons for disagreement with the national education reform measure.

Nikki Jones, a prekindergarten teacher in Tulsa Public Schools, and Linda Murphy, a veteran educator and former Republican candidate for state superintendent, also made presentations that concluded with a question-and-answer session.

Picolet, whose group has grown to more than 1,250 members in about three months, called Common Core a “train wreck.” She said her third-grade son, enrolled in Owasso Public Schools, already had taken more than 40 tests this school year.

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