
Poll: Support At ‘All-Time High’ To Modernize State’s Liquor Laws

Support for wine, high-point beer in Oklahoma grocery stores grows
By Brianna Bailey

Support for wine and full-strength beer in grocery stores in Oklahoma is at an all-time high, according to a new poll.

The poll of 500 registered voters conducted by The Oklahoman and the polling and political strategies firm Cole Hargrave Snodgrass and Associates Inc. found that 63 percent favor loosening Oklahoma’s liquor laws, while 29 percent oppose a change. 
“That’s the highest support we’ve ever measured,” said Pat McFerron, president of Cole Hargrave Snodgrass and Associates. 

Support for wine and strong beer in grocery stores was highest among the 25 to 34 age group at 73 percent. Support for changing the state’s alcohol laws was the lowest among Oklahomans 75 and older at 51 percent.

Read the complete story on NewsOK.com

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