Pruitt Files Suit Against EPA Over ‘Unlawful’ Clean Power Plant Rules
Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt Sues EPA for Unlawful Clean Power Plan Rule Rule threatens Oklahoma power reliability, affordability
OKLAHOMA CITY – Attorney General Scott Pruitt has filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency alleging its proposed Clean Power Plan forces Oklahoma into fundamentally restructuring the generation, transmission, and regulation of electricity in such a manner that would threaten the reliability and affordability of power in the state.
The lawsuit alleges the EPA proposal is in contradiction to at least three separate statutory bars and two constitutional limitations on federal power.
“The EPA does not possess the authority under the Clean Air Act to accomplish what it proposes in the unlawful Clean Power Plan. The EPA is ignoring the authority granted by Congress to states to regulate power plant emissions at their source. The Clean Power Plan is an unlawful attempt to expand federal bureaucrats’ authority over states’ energy economies in order to shutter coal-fired power plants and eventually other sources of fossil-fuel generated electricity. This would substantially threaten energy affordability and reliability for consumers, industry and energy producers in Oklahoma. Oklahomans care about issues of air quality and our state policy makers are best-suited and specifically granted the authority by federal law to regulate these issues. We are filing this lawsuit in order to ensure decisions on power generation and how to achieve emissions reductions are made at the local level rather than at the federal level,” Attorney General Pruitt said.
Click here for a copy of the lawsuit.