Pruitt To Speak In Tulsa Friday
Tulsa Republican Club August Lunch: OK ATTORNEY GENERAL SCOTT PRUITT
Please join us Friday, August 16th when we will welcome OK AG Scott Pruitt as our monthly speaker.
AG Pruitt will provide an update on the issues the office is working on and he’s been very, very busy lately. From the state’s lawsuit against ‘ObamaCare’ to actions against the EPA related to the agency’s “sue and settle” practice with environmental groups.
The AG has also been busy participating in forums across the state, informing business owners about the changes to the workers’ comp law.
We’re looking forward to welcoming AG Pruitt on Friday for a great program.
The Tulsa Republican Club meets the third Friday of every month in downtown Tulsa on the 30th floor of the Bank of America building. 15 W. 6th St.
Lunch is served starting at 11:30, our programs begins at noon. Buffet lunch is $20 and $25 to join our club.