
Pruitt Urges DEQ To Delay Decision on EPA, PSO Rate Hike

Oklahoma Attorney General asks to delay hearing into PSO plan for regional haze

By Paul Monies | Published: May 18, 2013

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has asked the state’s environmental agency to delay a hearing Monday on a new plan by Tulsa-based utility Public Service Co. of Oklahoma to deal with regional haze.

But Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality officials said the hearing will proceed as planned at 1 p.m. Monday in Oklahoma City.

Pruitt sent a letter to the department on Wednesday outlining his concerns over a revised state implementation plan for limiting power plant emissions affecting visibility at federal parks and wilderness areas.

In his letter, Pruitt said new information about PSO’s future power requirements could affect cost estimates for its revised implementation plan for regional haze. PSO wants to phase out the last two coal units at its Northeastern Station plant by 2026.

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