RDR: Pinnell Has ‘Big Ideas’ For Oklahoma As He Campaigns For LT. Governor
If elected Lt. Gov., Pinnell would be “ambassador of the state”
TULSA, Okla. – Appearing more-or-less relaxed in slacks and a button-down shirt and clutching a cup of coffee, the boyish Matt Pinnell, only 37, smiles as he greets the Red Dirt Report team at an eatery on Tulsa’s south side.
Pinnell starts off by noting the dark-red “46 Star Flag” T-shirt one of us is wearing and proudly noting that his campaign colors for his signs and such reflect the distinct look of Oklahoma’s first flag, which can now be seen on specialty license plates across the state.
Although very brand conscious, Pinnell said that the blue-and-white, standard-issue plates that say “Explore Oklahoma” and “TravelOK.com,” were not rolled out in the best way possible, alluding to criticism after the design was released to the public.
“I don’t think our brand is the ‘Twitter bird,’” cracks Pinnell, referencing The Hunger Games-esque, half-baked scissortail flycatcher design featured on the newly-issued plates, replacing the Sacred Rain Arrow plates, that featured the long-embraced “Native America” slogan.
But Pinnell has big ideas. You have to start somewhere and Pinnell has been plenty of places, bringing his conservative message to all parts of the U.S. in a national capacity and, before that, to all parts of Oklahoma during the Republican rise to power in the past decade.
That said, Pinnell is hoping to be Oklahoma’s next lieutenant governor.