Russell Picks Up Tea Party Express Endorsement
Tea Party Express Endorses Steve Russell for Congress
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is proud to endorse Steve Russell for Oklahoma’s Fifth Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich said, “Steve Russell is exactly the kind of conservative leader we need to send to Congress. For 21-years Steve courageously defended the Constitution and protected our country as an Army Ranger. As a Lietutenant Colonel, Steve’s ability to lead, even in the face of danger and opposition is unquestioned.
“After serving our country in the military, Steve went on to serve Oklahomans in the State Senate. He fought to reduce taxes and protect the Constitution. After four years of service in the legislature, Steve decided to start a small rifle manufacturing business. At every turn Steve has worked to protect his country and improve his community. He is a dedicated public servant and a bold conservative,” Budowich concluded.
Comments from local Tea Party leaders:
“Steve Russell is the type of U.S. Congressman that will go to Washington and defend our Constitution. I believe he has a steel rod for a backbone, and will not waver in his beliefs, as many elected officials do when they get back to Washington D.C. His one-term as a State Senator and Colonel in the U.S. Army will be very valuable, as well as his experience in international business. He was a great defender of liberty in the U.S. Army and as a State Senator, and will continue that when he is elected to Congress. Oklahoma needs Steve Russell!!!”
-Lonnie Lu Anderson, South East Oklahoma Tea Party
“Steve has reliable conservative credentials as he won OCPAC’s Freshman of the year award his second year in office and Senate Lawmaker of the Year award for his fourth and final year in office.”
-Charlie Meadows, Head of OCPAC
“Steve Russell is a constitutional conservative and will stand firm for the founding principles of our nation. As he excelled in battle, we know he will face the challenges in DC with a resolute stance armed with our Constitution and founders intent first in his mind.”
-Don Krumme, Leader of Texoma Area Freedom Watch
“Steve Russellis a shining example of what we need in Washington as he has already taken action to defend the Constitution. As a veteran and fighter for our freedom outside our borders, he has vowed to continue the fight against domestic enemies within our own borders. I believe that Steve will work hard to promote free market, limit government growth and stop the waste with our tax dollars. We need someone that understands how vital the 2nd Amendment is to the well being of our country and will help solve issues within the Veteran’s Administration. Steve is the perfect example of a conservative grassroots candidate and he has my support.”
-Cyndi McArtor, Leader of “Get America Back” Tea Party group
“Steve Russell will make an excellent Congressman. He will represent the fifth district well. He is a man of principle and will take those much needed principles to Washington. If I lived in the fifth district, I would happily cast my vote for Steve Russell.”
-Amanda Teegarden, Conservative Grassroots Leader
“In these trying times, Oklahoma needs Steve Russell to stand up for the Constitution in Congress. A consistent conservative and an American hero, Steve Russell has proven his mettle on the battlefield, and in the legislature. We need allies like him in Washington. I proudly support SteveRussell for Congress.”
-Jamison Faught, Muskogee Tea Party