Russell Signs ‘Taxpayer Protection Pledge’
June 7, 2014 – Oklahoma City
Lt. Col. Steve Russell today signed a pledge to not raise taxes while serving as Oklahoma’s 5th District Congressman. The Taxpayer Protection Pledge is provided by the group Americans for Tax Reform.
According to Grover Nordquist, founder of ATR, “In the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, candidates and incumbents solemnly bind themselves to oppose any and all tax increases.”
That is precisely what Steve Russell has done.
“I am proud to sign my name to this paper,” says Russell. “The battle to stop Washington’s tax-and-spend policies is a two-pronged attack. First we must halt the advance of new taxes. Once we do that, we push back against their ability to spend. That is when we will see true reform.”
Russell adds, “Today, too many Americans work more for government than they do for their own families.
My only wish is that every member of Congress, and every candidate seeking office, would sign this pledge.”