
Sequestration To Cut OK Nat’l Guard Jobs

State National Guard employees to get furlough notices
BY JERRY WOFFORD World Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

More than 1,000 Oklahoma National Guard employees will receive furlough notices this week, warning that they could see essentially a 20 percent reduction in pay between April and September.

The notices will inform federal technicians of the Oklahoma National Guard that furloughs would start in 30 days and would include one day a week until September, or about 22 days, said Guard spokesman Maj. Geoff Legler.

The furloughs are part of broad federal budget cuts that went into effect Friday known as the sequester.

The mechanism would cut $85 billion from the federal budget through the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30. The cuts would slash defense spending by about $42.7 billion, or about 7.9 percent of its budget, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

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