
Shouse: New EPA Rule Will Be Costly To State

Small-business rep: New EPA rule will be costly to state

There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Someone always has to pay. Always.

That’s certainly the case with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. While the plan certainly has support, such as Oklahoma City University professor Mark Davies (Point of View, Aug. 5), the truth is that implementing it won’t be cheap. In fact, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis of Energy Information Agency data, it’s going to cost the U.S. economy something in the range of $150 billion a year.

That works out to $1,700 a year for a family of four.

Put simply, the rule amounts to a massive tax on the price of electricity, one that we simply can’t afford to pay.

Of course, it isn’t just families that would feel the pinch. Small businesses, the engine that drives our economy, would have to spend more on energy, and that, in turn, would push up prices on absolutely everything.


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