
Star Parker: President Obama Versus Hobby Lobby

President Obama versus Hobby Lobby

by Star Parker, January 28, 2014

Senior advisor to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, wrote for the White House blog and the Huffington Post that, “A Woman’s Health Care Decisions Should Be in Her Own Hands, Not Her Boss’s.” I couldn’t agree more.

Odd then that the administration is trying to insert bosses, many of them against their deeply held religious beliefs, into the private health care decisions of women. Ms. Jarrett writes that, “The ACA (Affordable Care Act) was designed to ensure that health care decisions are made between a woman and her doctor, and not by her boss, or Washington politicians.”

In fact, the administration has done the opposite. It has forced employers to act as middlemen between women and their doctors by forcing them to participate in providing four potentially life terminating drugs and the whole gamut of FDA-approved contraceptives, even when they object on religious grounds. And then it thrust the issue right into the portfolio of Washington politicians by making it an election wedge issue, by using it to stoke partisan bickering, and by peddling lies about a “war on women.”

Look no further than the Little Sisters of the Poor, the first of the non-profit plaintiffs to reach the Supreme Court to know that the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate hurts women. Their complaint is proof that women are not some monolithic block robotically reacting affirmatively anytime the administration tacks the word “reproduction” onto a controversy

Read the complete story on urbancure.org

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