Step Up Organizers Expect Close Call in House
Step Up organizers expect close call in House
by Dale Denwalt
The Step Up Oklahoma revenue plan was within a vote of having enough support to pass the House of Representatives, BancFirst Executive Chairman David Rainbolt said Monday.
Rainbolt is co-chair of the organization, which has proposed more than half a billion dollars worth of tax increases meant to prevent another budget shortfall and help shore up this year’s budget obligations.
House Bill 1033 would need 76 votes to pass the House and advance to the Senate, where the support is more favorable. House lawmakers are scheduled to kick off Monday’s session at 1:30 p.m., but consideration of the bill, debate and the roll call could push the the outcome well into the afternoon.
Meanwhile, hundreds of teachers rallied in the Capitol rotunda. They showed up Monday to urge support for a $5,000 pay increase that’s part of the Step Up Oklahoma plan. The raise would be paid for with tax increase that are found in House Bill 1033.