Speaker: Surplus sale would add to state’s cash basis
Speaker says state should sell surplus sites
BY WAYNE GREENE World Senior Writer
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
1/30/2013 7:39:51 AM
OKLAHOMA CITY – Speaker of the House T.W. Shannon is working on a plan to sell off surplus state property to fund repairs to other buildings, including the crumbling state Capitol.
A recent report from the state Office of Management and Enterprise Services shows Oklahoma owns 6,910 buildings – more than any other entity in the state – and leases close to 1,000 more. Only the federal government owns more Oklahoma land than the state.
The report shows that many of the properties are “underutilized,” which Shannon says is a signal they should be considered for sale, with the proceeds used to fund the most pressing maintenance needs of its other state buildings, including the Capitol building, which has a crumbling limestone facade, troubled plumbing and wiring and accrued maintenance needs totaling an estimated $160 million.