2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mullin To Seek Fourth Congressional Term, Explains Breaking Term Limit Pledge

  • Alvina Kelley

    OMG I’m so sick of these politicians using God and we prayed to get he bible belt votes. He only cares about them and government he does not care about the citizens!! Remember they are so rich the citizens that elected him and their tax dollars are not paying to do a job he pays his own salary because they are so rich with the taxes they pay!! LMBO Its obvious who he wotks for and its not the citizens don’t fall for it people!! He’s just trying to work his way to Congress more money free government medical for him and his family!!!!!!!

  • Alvina Kelley

    OMG I’m so sick of these politicians using God/Bible and we prayed to get the bible belt votes. He only cares about them and government he does not care about the citizens!! Remember they are so rich the citizens that elected him and their tax dollars are not paying him to do a job he pays his own salary because they are so rich with the taxes they pay!! LMBO Its obvious who he wotks for and its not the citizens don’t fall for it people!! He’s just trying to work his way to D.C. more money free government medical for him and his family!!!!!!!


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