Water Rights Fight To Be Heard Tuesday
U.S. Supreme Court to hear Oklahoma-Texas water dispute
By Chris Casteel
WASHINGTON — The long-running fight between Oklahoma and Texas over water will be aired Tuesday before U.S. Supreme Court justices, who could end the contentious case or set it on a new course that could lead to more protracted battles.
The justices’ decision may hinge on a missing phrase in the compact that has apportioned water rights in the Red River basin to four states for more than 30 years. Many pages of briefs in the case are devoted to whether Texas can reach into Oklahoma to get water because there’s no clause in the compact that specifically prohibits Texas from doing so.
Also at issue is whether a set of Oklahoma policies effectively and improperly prevent interstate water exports.
The case before the high court was brought by the Tarrant Regional Water District, a Texas agency that provides water to more than 6 million residents of North Texas and says it desperately needs more water to supply the growing population.